Tuesday, December 24, 2019

A Common Problem Today For Adolescent Christians - 1573 Words

A common problem today for adolescent Christians is the lack of intimacy with God, and not fully experiencing Christ in their lives. The solution to this problem can be found in the spiritual disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are practices that aid in transforming believers into the image of Christ, and help them to develop a more intimate relationship with Christ. They help to bring a Christian into the presence of God, and to bring them a â€Å"portion of heaven.† According to Isaac Ambrose, an English Puritan minister from the seventeenth century, spiritual disciplines are the vehicles to God. He said: â€Å"...the saints look upon duties (the Word, Sacraments, Prayers, etc.) as bridges to give them a passage to God, as boats to carry them into the bosom of Christ, as means to bring them into more intimate communion with their heavenly Father, and therefore are they so much taken with them (Schwanda 1).† Ambrose argued that through spiritual disciplines, one could e xperience an intimate relationship with God. The spiritual disciplines are broken into three categories, inward, outward, and corporate. From these three categories, the three main focuses are meditation, service, and worship. Through the application of these three spiritual disciplines, the main goal is to enter a deeper, more intimate relation with Christ and to be shaped into the image of Christ. The first spiritual discipline is meditation. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

5 Key Concepts Underlying Structures of Cultures Free Essays

string(170) " competent employees at all levels of the organization is more than a matter of training, it stems from changes in recruitment and selection philosophy \(Ashkenas et al\." Define at least 5 key concepts underlying structures of cultures. Answer: Speed of messages: It is the matter of how long a message can be understood or how long does it take to understand a person. Messages interactions can be in different speeds depending upon culture. We will write a custom essay sample on 5 Key Concepts Underlying Structures of Cultures or any similar topic only for you Order Now Context: The concept is different in different cultures, so a balance is necessary for interacting within each culture. It’s the matter of how much relevant information is in the message, and already understood by both sides. So we have context situations, like a message which contain lots of meaning without much information content in one hand, and low context like a message which may not contain all relevant information. Space: The space is different in different cultures. It’s the matter of what is I? For example, in office, some people have invisible boundaries in one meter. Actually people have a visible physical boundary and series of invisible boundaries Time: What is the opinion of time is very culturally dependent. There are many kinds of time systems in the world, but two are most important to international business. How many things are done at once? One thing: monochromatic; many: polychromatic. To Asian, several things can be done at once, but it is very difficult to American or European. For example, American and European will think about the schedule is very important, they care about when, how and where. But Asian will think about goal is the most important and they will do some adjust and increase of efficiency. Information flow The mean is Path data takes from its original setting to its end users. In Low-context countries, such as USA, Canada, Israel, German-speaking countries and Scandinavia, information spreads slowly and bocused. But the Higher Context Cultures: China, Arab countries, Italy, Greece, Japan, Spain, Korea, India, Brazil and Russia information will spread rapidly. So the information flow is different in different cultures. 2. Define the 4 types of global organizations. Answer: a. Ethnocentric corporations: the corporations are home-country-oriented. Ethnocentric managers believe that home-country nationals are more intelligent, reliable, and trustworthy than foreign nationals. b. Polycentric corporations: the polycentric firm establishes multinational operations on condition that host-country managers â€Å"do it their way†. Host-country nationals have high or absolute sovereignty over the subsidiary’s operations. The polycentric firm is a loosely connected group with quasi-independent subsidiaries as profit centers. c. Regiocentric corporations: these corporations capitalize on the synergistic benefits of sharing common functions across regions. A regiocentric corporation believes that only regional insiders can effectively co-ordinate functions within the region. d. Geocentric corporations: the geocentric system is highly interdependent. Subsidiaries are no longer satellites and independent city-states. he entire organization is focused on both worldwide and local objectives. 3. Discuss the Yin and Yang of managing in Asia – 200 words or more. Answer: American management styles, almost universally, presuppose the importance of the individual. We value empowerment, proactive decision making, and ownership of the task. This style of management reflects our Western tradition of the power of rational control and the inherent equality of all people. Asian management styles typically subordinate the role of the individual to the greater demands of the group. The power of obligations and relationships and the respect for order are of greater importance in the East. In the West, efficiency and change often equal effectiveness; in the East, passive acceptance of what is, and the ability to perfect one’s work with others within the existing conditions, might be a greater virtue – and the way to a smooth-running, successful organization. The Yin and Yang are contradiction and complementation. It is very difficult to work between Asian and Westerner, but the human resource managers and employees should recognize that deep differences of values and beliefs. Then employees need to coordinate in dealing with Asian colleagues and subordinates. And build a bridge between Asian and Westerner. So, bringing yin and yang together would drum up business. 4. Define the following Boundary less concepts. Paradigm:underlying the rise of various forms of â€Å"new organization† to which have been ascribed the terms virtual organization, empowered organization, high-performing work teams, and process reengineered organizations is â€Å"a single, deeper paradigm shift that we call the emergence of the boundaryless organization†, (p. 2; Ashkenas st al. 1995). This shift recognizes the limitations of the following four types of organizational boundaries: vertical (between levels and ranks of people), horizontal (between functions and disciplines), external (between the organization and its suppliers, customers, and regulators), and geographic (between nations, cultures, and markets). In the boundaryless organization, these boundaries are not used to separate people, processes and places, rather, the focus is how to move ideas, information, talent, and decisions where they are most necessary (Ashkenas et al. 1995). Employment arrangements: an increase in nontraditional employment contracts between the worker and the organization is cited as an example of blurred organizational boundaries (Miner ;amp; Robinson, 1994), as well as evidence of a post-job society (Bridges, 1994). The term contract denotes the different forms employment is taking in the 1990s: temporary, part-time, job-sharing, consulting, contracting, and leasing. Although some employees have little choice but to accept one of these forms of employment, many employees welcome these options for more flexible hours and more control over where they work, how they work, and which projects they would most prefer (Belous, 1989). Job Analysis: is the measurement of tasks and / or worker attributes for a given job, thus, job analysis techniques can be classified as work-oriented or worker-oriented (Gatewood ;amp; Field, 1994). Work-oriented methods involve specific descriptions of the various tasks performed on a job, whereas worker-oriented methods examine broad human behaviors involved in work activities. Skills Emphasis and work Analysis: given that functional boundaries will continue to blur (Ashkenas et al. , 1995; Miner ;amp; Robinson, 1994), boundaryless organizations may eventually collapse â€Å"jobs† into more comprehensive task of job analysis less cumbersome; it could contribute to a culture wherein workers are afforded more freedom and opportunity to engage in different work activities. Recruitment: gaining competent employees at all levels of the organization is more than a matter of training, it stems from changes in recruitment and selection philosophy (Ashkenas et al. You read "5 Key Concepts Underlying Structures of Cultures" in category "Papers" 1995). Specifically, the boundaryless organization emphasizes the development of a shared mindset among all of its employees and the continuous support of this collective culture. Although Ashkenas et al. (1995) don’t describe specific recruiting approaches that aid in achieving this cohesive culture, they state the importance of thoroughly screening applicants, sometimes with the help of customers, based on skills and personality traits that match the technical and cultural needs of the organization. 5. What are the dilemmas of boundaryless recruitment and selection? A dilemma regarding a high degree of person-organization culture fit surfaces: what about the potentially negative consequences of attracting and selecting too many like-minded individuals? For instance, Schneider (1987) has suggested that organizational dysfunction and eventual demise can be traced to an overabundance of homogeneous worker characteristics. As a corollary, some diversity of worker attributes may be necessary to respond to environmental threats and opportunities, ultimately ensuring the viability of the organization. Another caveat to consider is the possibility of adverse impact. Any employment test which results in different acceptance/pass rates for individuals belonging to different groups must be validated and its continued use demonstrated as necessary. Thus, the very homogeneity of employee values proposed as necessary for the success of the boundaryless organization may lead to two serious problems: decreased organizational performance and adverse impact. Approximately how much and what kinds of cultural parity between worker and organization are necessary for a productive mindset? Approximately how much and what kinds of cultural similarity between worker and organization lead to litigation and/or poor organizational adaptability? It may be that just as the organization needs different skill sets to accomplish a unified performance goal, organizations need different traits and worker characteristics to accomplish the longer-term goal of survival (Schneider, 1987). However, worker heterogeneity does not necessarily preclude the selection of homogeneous traits that primarily serve to reinforce core values and pivotal norms. More research is needed to build theory and enhance practitioner success in recruiting and selecting workers for boundaryless organizations. 6. How does one build a global work force with recruitment? Answer: Every year, hundreds of companies expand their operations into the global marketplace. At the same time, corporations that are established in the international sphere redefine their business to maintain a competitive edge. For organizations in both categories, recruitment and international assignment are key determinants of long-term success. Today, HR professionals in progressive global companies are discovering that it isn’t enough just to look for these skills among members of the expatriate community. Rather, every employee needs to have a certain level of global awareness, and many companies are finding that screening must begin at recruitment. Form many corporations, international recruitment is synonymous with expatriate selection. Within this area, significant progress has been made to ensure candidates are screened for global competency, with includes such qualities as flexibility, open-mindedness, technical expertise, multiple language proficiency and the willingness to take risks. In addition to recruiting for expatriate potential, HR professionals are finding that employees who have international experience and language proficiency help the company function on a day-to-day basis. Mangers must understand differing cultural norms to perform well on business trips and short-term assignments in other parts of the world. 7. Define the four faces of global cultures. Answer: Davos: from boardroom to bedroom This culture is globalized as a direct accompaniment of global economic processes. Its carrier is international business. It has obvious behavioral aspects that are directly functional in economic terms, behavior dictated by the accoutrements of contemporary business. Participants in this culture know how to deal with computers, cellular phones, airline schedules, currency exchange, and the like. But they also dress alike, exhibit the same amicable informality, relieve tensions by similar attempts at humor, and of course most of them interact in English. Since most of these cultural traits are of Western provenance, individuals coming from different backgrounds must go through a process of socialization that will allow them to engage in this behavior with seemingly effortless spontaneity. Faculty club international: This is the internationalization of the Western intelligentsia, its values and ideologies. It is carried by foundations, academic networks, non-governmental organizations, and some governmental and multinational agencies. The â€Å"faculty club culture† spreads its beliefs and values through the educational system, the legal system, various therapeutic institutions, think tanks, and at least some of the media of mass communication. If this culture internationalizes the Western intelligentsia, it also internationalizes the conflicts in which this intelligentsia has been engaged on its home territories. The McWorld culture: The McWorld culture is most credibly subsumed under the category of Westernization, since virtually all of it is of Western, and more specifically American, provenance. These critics of â€Å"culture imperialism† also understand that the diffusion of popular culture is not just a matter of outward behavior. It carries a significant freight of beliefs and values. Evangelical Protestantism: Provide a distinctive process of globalization, especially in its Pentecostal version (which accounts for something like 80 percent of its worldwide growth). This globalizing force is best seen by comparing it with the other dynamic religious phenomenon of our time, that of the Islamic resurgence. Evangelical Protestantism brings about a cultural revolution in its new territories (in that respect it is very different from its social function on its American home ground). It brings about radical changes in the relations between men and women, in the upbringing and education of children, in the attitudes toward traditional hierarchies. Most importantly, it inculcates precisely that â€Å"Protestant ethic† that Max Weber analyzed as an important ingredient in the genesis of modern capitalism – a disciplined, frugal, and rationally oriented approach to work. Thus, despite it indigenization, Evangelical Protestantism is the carrier of a pluralistic and modernizing culture whose original location is in the North Atlantic societies. 8. Discuss and describe the challenges of Diversity Training in Texaco, UNUM, GTE and Gannett. Answer Texaco: work in progress Texaco’s strategy started to take shape two years ago when Gadsden the manager of U. S. workforce diversity and EEO compliance for Texaco Inc. came on board. According to the diversity manager, the impetus stemmed from a number of sources: changing demographics in the workplace and Texaco’s customer base, the oil company’s quest to be a top-tier company, and the need to fully utilize every member of an organization that over the past five years has shrunk from approximately 27,000 to 19,300 employees. Thorough focus groups and a national survey of more than 3,000 of its workers, Texaco leaned how employees felt about the oil company in general, its training and development, its promotion policies and compensation, and whether Texaco and its managers valued a diverse workforce. In the survey results, employees need to improve promotion of minorities. They want managers to be held more accountable on managing diversity and better educated on how to communicate with employees of differing backgrounds. A cross-function team was requested to ask for the promotion process by Texaco’s managements. The team discovered that employees wanted a streamlined application process and more feedback on the outcome of promotion requests. Therefore, the cross-functions team supplied work guide of how to get promoted. In the other hand, they improved a diversity training component to highest-level executives, then extend diversity training to all employees. One of the more difficult aspects of workplace diversity is finding the funding for it. Gadsden has succeeded in part by being frugal. He worked with a group of 14 independent consultants rather than handing the contract over to one big firm. He bargained and haggled with his vendors, getting them to reduce fees in return for a guaranteed amount of work. While he uses outside facilitators for his workshops, he also employs internal staff to save money, plus the employees learn by running the programs. Gadsden estimates his cost at $224 a person versus what Gadsden calls a company average of about $1,379 per person. Like any workplace diversity program, Texaco’s is a work in progress. UNUM: visible diversity 1989, the UNUM Life Insurance Company of America has experiencing high turnover among the very minority workers it was trying so hard to recruit. â€Å"We were in compliance mode, doing affirmative action, and trying to bring women and minorities into the company. † Sandy Bishop, manager of UNUM’s diversity programs says. â€Å"We wanted our business environment to mirror our world, the people we were insuring. Its proactive program began simply enough with its HR staff developing a diversity philosophy. In addition, the HR department brokered meeting between senior executives, the majority of whom were white males, and representatives of minority groups. Like Texaco, UNUM began with an internal audit of what needed to be done. Out of that came a three-day diversity workshop designed to build â€Å"cultural competence. † In its effort to integrate the diversity debate with other business issues, UNUM has an informal diversity structure. Corporate communications, for example, publishes a newsletter addressing diversity issues. UNUM also has an education committee that set up â€Å"Lunch and Learn† talks on diversity. As part of its outreach activities, the company has also launched community programs that deal in diversity. While UNUM’s earlier efforts were restricted to company headquarters, the disability insurer this year is extending its diversity programs to its branch offices. And of the five diversity seminars that UNUM will hold this year, three of them will be in remote locations. GTE: mutual respect Telecommunications giant GTE got serious about diversity in the early 1990s for two reasons, says Randy MacDonald, the company’s senior vice president of human resources and administration. â€Å"First was recognition of the changing workplace†¦more spouses working and more immigration. Second, and this is still evolving, is that while we’re U. S. based, the workplace is becoming global and we need to address marketplace diversity. † GTE combines its workplace diversity efforts with its work/family programs (telecommuting, flextime, seminars on balancing work and family). The diversity end consists of minority recruitment, employee career advancement, training on managing and being part of a diverse workforce, as well as multicultural awareness events that celebrate diversity. The telecommunications company has made a conscious effort to recruit minorities on college campuses, once a person is on board, he or she is eligible for career advancement training, regardless of ethnic background. The company does offer some specialized educational programs for minorities. Through its actions, the company has increased minority and female representation among its managers. Gannett: total integration Gannett Corp. Inc. may well have the granddaddy of diversity programs. The media conglomerate first embarked on managing diversity in 1980. While minority recruitment was first emphasized by Gannett, the media company has expanded into career advancement training. The company also publishes an in-house newsletter devoted to the topic and sponsors noon seminars. According to the diversity manager, what has made Gannett’s program work is the fact that it is closely aligned with overall business aims. 9. Describe the adult learning theory culture-bound. Answer: The underlying assumptions behind experiential training are worth investigating to begin determining the universality or cultural relativity of the field’s mainstream methodologies. Holvino (1982) found experiential learning to be: * Active and participatory * Learning how to learn * Based on interdependence or independence * Based on learner’s internal direction * Shared responsibility for leaning * Built on experience and knowledge of learners * Shared access to power and knowledge * Focused on problem identification and solution Information seeking and sharing 10. What are the cultural training techniques? Answer: Training techniques are commonly characterized as falling along a spectrum from Didactic (trainer-centered, low-risk, content-oriented) to Experiential (learner-centered, high-risk, process-oriented). In Hofstede’s terminology, Didactic techniques can be considered to have a high Power Distance and strong Uncertainty Avoidance value orientati on, while experiential techniques can be considered to have a low Power Distance and weak Uncertainty Avoidance value orientation. By juxtaposing Hofstede’s cultural value spectrum with this training technique spectrum, we create a guideline for predicting the relative appropriateness of different training techniques for different cultural groups. If we compare the two sides of Figure 20. 1, we can predict which techniques might be appropriate for a given cultural group. Appropriate techniques are those that might most effectively challenge the participants without eliciting a high level of resistance. How to cite 5 Key Concepts Underlying Structures of Cultures, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Benefits Of A Public Health System Essay Example For Students

Benefits Of A Public Health System Essay One year ago, I was given a life changing opportunity to intern at San Ignacio Community Hospital in San Ignacio, Belize. Each day brought something new: a man limping towards the emergency room with a deep shin laceration after a machete fight, mothers and their children waiting to be evaluated by a pediatrician for the first time, and numerous teen women who would soon be in delivery with no previous prenatal care. Patients traveled miles by foot, bike, or taxi to be seen at the hospital every day and we worked until all were cared for. Consequently, I witnessed how a public health system functions in a rural, considerably underserved community. Throughout my time in San Ignacio, I worked with a variety of health care professionals from different backgrounds while researching the country’s greatest health challenges. At a population of slightly over 300,000, and almost half living in poverty, Belize does not yet have the economics to provide the level of health care that is accessible just a three and a half hour plane ride north. However, while working with patients affected by Belize’s most common diseases, I learned that many of the conditions could be avoided with preventive measures such as annual screenings, vaccinations, health education, and access to primary care. While my team and I regularly brainstormed constructive ideas, we were with limited resources and time. Therefore, my desire to study the country’s public health system grew, and the want to return and improve the patients’ quality of life was instilled in me. Although my interest in public health significantly increased during my time abroad, it began long before interning in San Ignacio and has continued to grow since my return. As an undergraduate ear. .ation curriculums will train me to evaluate underserved populations along with complex global health issues and provide solutions to such issues through program design, policy development, and interventions to progress health care. Additionally, the concentration’s international practice experience will prepare me to work proficiently in invigorating circumstances and apply what I learn directly to the field. As a St. Louis native, I would thoroughly enjoy furthering my education in my hometown. It would be an honor to do so at such a renowned institution well known for its research, affiliation with distinguished health organizations, and contribution to global health. Receiving my master of public health at St. Louis University will undoubtedly lead me to a rewarding and purposeful career that will not only improve my own life, but more importantly, someone else’s.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Training and Development as Related To Human Resource Management

Introduction With the current trends in globalization and trade liberalization, organizations can nowadays afford practically every asset that is needed for optimal production. Due to this fact, employees have remained the most valuable assets that an organization can use in order to build a comparative advantage over rival firms in which ever sector the organization invests in.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Training and Development as Related To Human Resource Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More People or employees in an organization are usually associated with the skills they possess; the only asset rivals cannot copy. As a result this has made the human resource management and their practices to be accepted as one of the major strategic levers to ensure that there is continued success within organizations (Smith, 2006). Training of company employees has received much accreditation from the management by designing training programs that seek to address the specifics of the organization, which then helps in ensuring that the services or the output is received in a way that the company reaps the maximum benefits. In designing these programs, the human resource department works very hard by assessing the needs for the training where the training is all that necessary or not. Training Needs Analysis In order to assess the training needs, the Human Resource (HR) department can decide to conduct an organizational analysis. It is preferred by many organizations since it takes into consideration the organization’s traditions, strategies and the general environment and how the training is likely to improve the business situation. The human resource can also perform the job or task analysis where training is usually done depending on the needs of that job. In order to improve the delivery of the job the skills and abilities an employee possesses are usually analyzed. The Human Reso urce can also train the employees depending on the required needs. Lastly, they can also conduct the employee analysis where the HR determines the current skills that the employee is in possession of and then train the employee depending on the expectations or the levels the employee should attain. Training and Evaluation There are several methods through which the Human Resource can train the employees in order to make sure the new training needs are delivered efficiently. Examples of the training methods include: A classroom setting where an instructor teaches or trains the employees by interacting with them. They can also use computer based training which incorporates the classroom training and Tele training. Organizations using computers to train the employees do so by introducing software which seeks to advance their skills. To make the training successful, the training objectives should be written properly in order to be able to decide on the contents, methodology and duration of tackling the needs.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Based on the importance of training, the HR can either classify the training as technical or behavioral training whereby, the skills or the technical type focuses on providing the learning competencies related to the employee knowledge and skills while behavioral on the other hand ensures learning competencies related to the employee attitude and habits are learnt and adhered to. Evaluation is the last phase and it is usually concerned with the measurement of the training success or the effectiveness to establish whether an investment in a particular training has paid off. The effectiveness is based on the previous set objectives and results while considering the needs, methods, and the other areas of training administration. The valuation of the training program can be done depending on the reaction, learning, behavior al change and finally the impact to the society which measures the effect of the training on the unit where the trainees belong and on the entire organization (Edralin, 2004). Conclusion With employees becoming the most valuable asset a company or an organization can possess, it has thus become important for organizations to create effective and efficient work force in order to achieve the competitive edge over other organization. To make this possible, organizations have embarked on trainings that seek to perfect and introduce new skills to employees in order to ensure an organization remains a success and way above the others. Reference List Edralin, D.M. (2004). Training: A strategic HRM function. Vol.7, No.4. De La Salle University. Web. Smith A. (2006). Human Resource Practices for a Changing Environment. Web. This essay on Training and Development as Related To Human Resource Management was written and submitted by user Elianna Nolan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on Indian Tribes

Essay on Indian Tribes Essay on Indian Tribes FINAL Cheyanne 10 bands, council of 44†¦ 4 important people in each band. Structure. 1. Northern Cheyenne - Eaters, omisis, great hunters, they’ll eat anything, largest group up north. 2. Burnt Aorta (Heviqsnipahis) - Roasted aorta, buffalo aorta, dried out bison heart used as a pipe. Women sit with feet facing left, women are most modest (burme order) (Sioux close to Cheyanne). 3. Hair Rope Men – make rope from horsehair, rather than rawhide. Black Hills†¦ ended up in the southern plains. 4. Original Hairoteman (Scabby or Scabbies) – Developed skin condition using mangy buffalo hide as a saddle blanket. Originally kindred with the Hair Rope Band. Relocated to Colorado. 5. Ridge Men – Offshoot of Hair Rope Men, developed a preference for living in the â€Å"ridge country†. 6. Sutai – Absorbed by Cheyenne in late 18th century 7. Sioux-eaters – Those Who Eat w/ the Sioux. An incorporated group of Sioux into the Cheyenne tribe. 8. Grey Hair – Fixed legs, said to have a large proportion of children with grey hair. 9. Prognathous Jaws (big jaws) – Deer dance, war path. Masscam (Animal dance) – Arrow Keepers, ancient way of relating to animals 10. Poor – haunowa, origin of name is unknown Additional Notes: Sioux – Tai – Either persecuted, some group has them on the run, encroachment by other tribes taking their food causing them to go hungry, taking of their supplies. Sioux eaters (Northern Cheyanne) Fought together and ate together. 10 other bands: 1. Kickapoo 2. Winnebago 3. Blackfoot 4. Sioux 5. Arapaho 6. Kiowa 7. Lakota 8. Herron 9. Iroquois 10. Chippewa 11. Runners (Town Crier) – Cheyenne 12. Bands stop in center and smoke in 4 directions, Sacred 4 (north, south, east, west), 4 sacred number. 13. Plains lodge – Plains Tipi, 4 or 3 poles 14. Small Teepee – 11 cowhides, 15. Large – 21 cowhides 16. Females had awls, flechette (material culture) 17. Describe material culture, hair ropes, quill work, hyde paintings, bows, arrows, medicine hat. 18. Describe Cheyenne Law – kill another Cheyenne you are excommunicated (just as good as dead) (#15) a. Describe Council of 44 – council of chiefs, four chiefs from each of the 10 Cheyenne bands, plus 4 principal or â€Å"Old Man† chiefs who previously served on the council with distinction. 19. What are quillers? Cheyenne Women that extract quills from porcupines and prepare them for embroidering. They dye them with different colors, flatten them with their teeth.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tawa - Facts and Figures

Tawa - Facts and Figures Name: Tawa (Pueblo Indian name for a sun god); pronounced TAH-wah Habitat: Woodlands of North and South America Historical Period: Middle Triassic (215 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 7 feet long and 25 pounds Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; bipedal posture About Tawa Although its evolutionary relationship to Tyrannosaurus Rex is a bit overstatedafter all, it lived about 150 million years before its more famous descendantthe early theropod Tawa still counts as a major discovery. This small, bipedal dinosaur lived 215 million years ago on the supercontinent of Pangaea, which later split into North America, South America and Africa. Based on an analysis of its remains, Tawa appears to have originated in South America, though its bones were found farther north, near the famous Ghost Ranch cite in New Mexico thats yielded countless Coelophysis skeletons. Will Tawa really cause paleontologists to rewrite the book of dinosaur evolution, as some breathless accounts surmise? Well, its not as if bipedal, South American, meat-eating dinosaurs were rare on the groundwitness, for example, Herrerasaurus, which we already know lay at the root of the dinosaur family tree, not to mention those numerous (though native to North America) Coelophysis specimens. Like the Asian Raptorex, another recent discovery, Tawa is being described as a miniature T. Rex, though this seems to be a gross oversimplification. Over and above its presumed resemblance to T. Rex, whats important about Tawa is that it helps to clear up the evolutionary relationships, and ultimate origins, of the earliest theropods. With this missing piece of the fossil puzzle in place, the discoverers of Tawa have concluded that the very first dinosaurs evolved in South America in the early to middle Triassic period, then radiated out worldwide over the ensuing tens of millions of years.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Canadian Confederation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Canadian Confederation - Essay Example It extended from the Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico and Newfoundland to the Rocky Mountains. When the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 was passed, the region was broken up into five colonies, Canada, Hudson Bay, Acadia, Newfoundland and Louisiana. The War of 1812 established the setup of the 49th parallel to border the U.S.A. This line extended from the Great Lakes to the Rocky Mountains. Early on in Canada there were many arising conflicts within the colonies between upper and Lower Canada. These conflicts were between the liberals and the Family compact of Upper Canada who were identified as being rabidly conservative. The financial problems that would develop in Upper Canada would eventually lead to what would become known as the Rebellions of 1837. These rebellions would call for Lord Durham to travel from Britain to assess the problem. It wasn't until after the Rebellions of 1837, a succession of Canadian uprisings that happened between 1837 and 1838, that one would propose that the Canadian colonies be made into one province. It was Lord Durham, and he would convince the British Parliament to pass the Act of Union 1840 Ironically, the main opposition to the Confederation of Canada was not from the British Empire but from within Canada from what was identified as the liberal party at the time. In his article, "Toryism, Classical Liberalism, and Capitalism: The Politics of Taxation nd the Struggle for Canadian Confederation" Andrew Smith argues that the issue of taxation was a major conflict in the struggle to form the Confederation among the four original Canadian provinces (Smith, 2008). "Ajzenstat, Smith, and McKay are mistaken about the ideological nature of Confederation. It is far more accurate to describe 1867 as the birth of a 'Tory-interventionist order' in Canada than of a liberal one (Smith, 2008)." He goes on to point out how the main supporters of classical liberal values, free trade, and low taxes were all Anti-Confederates, and the Confederation supporters were more about economic development. He notes that, "In the 1860s, virtually all British North American politicians believed that some form of capitalist society was desirable. Confederation, however, was supported by spokesmen of a particular vision of capitalism that involved extensive state assistance to private business. The opponents of Confederation were neither more nor less pro-capitalist than their opponents. However, they generally supported a less statist variant of capitalism, one in which taxes were kept as low as possible and businesses survived without subsidies (Smith, 2008)." Toryism represented the conservative following in Canada, where as the traditional liberalism of Canada was identified with a 'deep distrust of government' specifically distant governments (Smith, 2008). The classic liberals came to oppose the Confederation when it became very clear in the Quebec Resolutions that the country was moving towards giving Quebec a greater role in economy. In an article published in the March 1865 issue of the Oxford Academic, writer Goldwin Smith who was well known to be a classic liberal, condemned the economic ideas behind the Confederation project. Smith argued that, "by adopting the interventionist philosophy of Alexander Hamilton, the framers of the Quebec Resolutions were forgetting that the relative importance of state initiatives decreases 'while those of voluntary action and spontaneous action

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Diversity Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity Paper - Essay Example The supportive personality is more introverted and team-oriented. They are supportive and helpful and thrive in interpersonal relationships. The cautious personality is also reserved and seeks consistency, value and is task-oriented. Their primary focus is on being accurate and correct in their assessments (Rohm, 2004). In addition to these underlying personality traits, many other factors play a role in determining a person’s personality and behavior such as gender, socioeconomic status and sexual orientation. Studies have shown, not surprisingly, that boys are quicker to openly display their temper than are girls. This is because girls are taught from a young age that angry displays are inappropriate and proper control of their emotions is a societal expectation for which they are rewarded. Socially acceptable behavior for girls includes being soft of voice at all times while vocal, outward displays of anger are intolerable. They are taught not to cause hurt feelings or be the cause of another’s anger. Gender stereotypes which are taught from a very early age reinforce to girls the importance of avoiding conflicts and to always act pleasantly, especially in a social setting. Females are expected to be attractive. The less physically attractive she is, the more the girl must take on a subservient role. Girls are also taught to manipulate a situation for their own benefit, but not to control it by being overbearing. There are those examples of girls who actively discard this stereot ype by rebelling against it often by means of intimidating those girls who fall under the ‘normal’ stereotype of which they are rebelling against. The abuse of sex, alcohol and drugs are common aspects of this rebellion. Males who adhere to society’s typical stereotype for suitable behavior and appearance believe they are masters of their own universe. If males are athletic and good-looking, they assume and society confirms that they are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Death of a Nation Essay Example for Free

Death of a Nation Essay Clifford Dowdey’s Death of a Nation: The Story of Lee and His Men at Gettysburg is a military history examining the Confederate loss at this epic battle, particularly the decision-making process and the Southern commanders’ failure to perform up to their potential. Partly a fawning defense of Robert E. Lee and partly an insightful study of why the South even dared invade the North, it demonstrates the author’s Southern bias without trying to justify slavery, as well as Dowdey’s fusion of history and storytelling. The book looks almost exclusively at the Civil War’s largest battle, in which Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia invaded the North in hopes of scaring Lincoln into halting the war and recognizing the Confederacy. Instead, as Dowdey’s title implies, it proved the Confederacy’s apex as a military power, beginning its two-year decline and ultimate collapse. Dowdey, a native of Richmond, Virginia, who produced numerous histories and novels about the Civil War, takes a decided pro-Southern stance and offers a rather generous view both of the Confederacy, never approaching its defense of slavery, and of Lee, the inventive, chance-taking commander who proved the South’s greatest leader. The first chapter, â€Å"Rendezvous with Disaster,† conveys in its title how Dowdey sees the battle, yet he is loath to blame Lee for the loss. He opens with an account of Confederate troops invading Pennsylvania, depicting them not as a menacing enemy but as a somewhat merry band: â€Å"[The] Confederate soldiers had not committed acts of vandalism or abused the inhabitants. On the contrary, the troops had been highly good-humored in the face of taunts and insults† (3). The author then introduces the general as a striking, almost godlike figure, quoting an officer who deemed him â€Å"a kingly man whom all men who came into his presence expected to obey† (5); this description recurs throughout the book. Subsequent chapters describe the buildup and the battle itself. In chapter two, â€Å"The Opening Phase,† Dowdey portrays the decision-making process that led to Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania as a Jefferson Davis-engineered travesty, â€Å"a necessary expedient in the policy of static, scattered defensiveness† (27). The author considers Lee almost a victim of Davis’ vanity, rigidity, and inability to admit his own lack of military expertise, and he absolves the man he believes â€Å"embodied the image of the patriarchal planter who, as military leader, assumed benevolent responsibility for his domain† (33). Throughout the battle, which dominates much of the book, Dowdey introduces Lee’s subordinates as characters in a novel or drama, describing their personalities in lively, even somewhat chatty detail. Jeb Stuart, whose cavalry failed in its reconnaissance duties before the fighting began, appears as a capable soldier who refused to believe he erred; Richard Ewell is a crusty but soft-hearted eccentric whose marriage softened his fighting skills; and John B. Hood is â€Å"a fighter, not a thinker† (174). He reserves his harshest criticisms for James Longstreet, deeming the lone general to openly question Lee’s decision to wage the unwise assault best known as Pickett’s Charge, a lying defeatist. Dowdey claims that â€Å"objective historians and Longstreet partisans have tried to re-evaluate him outside the text of controversy. This is almost impossible. . . . Many other men performed below their potential at Gettysburg, but only James Longstreet absolved himself by blaming Lee† (340). By the end of the book, one realizes that Dowdey will not concede that the figure he admires may have simply made fatal errors at Gettysburg. Dowdey’s descriptions of the battle cover the three days in a generally accurate but not original manner. He alternates between broad, sweeping pictures of dramatic combat and close-up accounts of individual Confederate units and soldiers. (He gives little mention to Union action throughout the book, making clear that his sole interest is depicting Lee’s army and not providing a holistic history of the battle. ) Though his approach provides reliable but not groundbreaking information, Dowdey makes clear that he considers Lee’s defeat not the venerable commander’s fault (despite his own tendency to take long chances against the larger and better-armed Union Army), but rather his subordinates’ inability to perform as competently as they had in previous battles. In this account, Stuart’s ego kept him from realizing he failed in his scouting duties, A. P. Hill lost his usually strong will, Richard Anderson staged a poor excuse for an assault on Cemetery Ridge with undisciplined, poorly-led Carolinian troops (rather than the Virginians that Dowdey, the Virginian, favors), and Ewell did not adequately prepare his troops for their attack. While Dowdey concedes that Lee, â€Å"alone in the center of the vacuum, could not have been less aware of the total collapse of co-ordination† (240). However, he implies, Lee’s unawareness was not his fault, but that of usually-reliable subordinates who curiously failed all at once. The work ends somewhat abruptly, with Lee’s broken army withdrawing from Pennsylvania after Pickett’s failed charge (in which the general whose name it bears appears as a minor figure) and returning to Virginia; the author offers no broad conclusion or explanation of the battle’s meaning within a larger context. Dowdey, primarily a fiction writer and college instructor who also produced numerous histories of the Army of Northern Virginia, approaches the work with a storyteller’s vigor and flair, writing this history with a novelist’s attention to visual details and his characters’ personalities and quirks. Frequently, he aims to stir the reader’s attention by adding what his characters may have said or thought in rich, occasionally overstated terms. For example, he deems Ewell â€Å"this quaint and lovable character† (121); Jubal Early becomes â€Å"the bitter man [who] became as passionate in his hate for the Union as he had formerly been in its defense† (123); and Union general Daniel Sickles (one of the few figures for whom he shows genuine scorn) is â€Å"an unsavory, showy, and pugnacious character from New York who went further on brassy self-confidence and politicking . . . than many a better man went on ability† (203). In trying give his characters personality, Dowdey writes often picturesque and lively prose but also offers a somewhat distorted picture that more detached academic historians may find objectionable. For example, while Lee can do no wrong, Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy’s much-reviled president, appears as nearly as much a villain as Longstreet. Of Davis, Dowdey writes: â€Å"The crisis [in the South’s military fortunes] was caused largely by the defense policies of the president. . . . Among the limitations of this self-aware gentleman was an inability to acknowledge himself in the wrong† (14). As a Lee apologist, Dowdey implicitly blames David for the South’s collapse, though he wavers on this by adding: â€Å"Lincoln had at his disposal unlimited wealth, the organized machinery of government, a navy, the war potential of heavy industry, and a four-to-one manpower superiority. Davis led a disorganized movement in self-determinism composed of proud and fiercely individualistic provincials (15-16). Dowdey comments little about the South in general and does not directly glorify the Southern cause, though he also refrains from any mention of slavery or racism. He seems to simply accept the South as it was, writing his works to illustrate a particularly regionalist sense of pride, if not in its plantation past, then certainly in Lee, its most shining example of military leadership and manhood. He reveals, perhaps unintentionally, his own sense of romance about the South when he writes: â€Å"In a land where the age of chivalry was perpetuated, the military leader embodied the gallantry, the glamour, and the privilege of the aristocrat in a feudal society† (15). Characters like Lee, he implies, gave the South respectability and nobility, while lesser individuals, like the supposedly duplicitous, disloyal Longstreet and the rigid, arrogant Davis, somehow stained it and failed to match its ideals. Despite Dowdey’s biases, he cannot be faulted for failing to do research. He includes a short bibliographic essay at the end, explaining his sources’ strengths and limitations. In addition to using many secondary sources, he relies heavily on participants’ personal documents, such as letters and memoirs, though he concedes that â€Å"the eyewitness accounts are subject to the fallibility of memory, and many of the articles suffer the distortion of advocacy or indictment† (353). This last comment is telling, because Dowdey himself neither advocates nor indicts the Old South, but rather aims to depict the military aspects. The result is a work that shows clear fondness for the South’s self-image as an embattled land of chivalry, but to his credit, Dowdey does not excoriate the North or its leaders. Lincoln scarcely appears in this volume, but the author pays some compliments to Union generals whom historians have seen less favorably, such as Joseph Hooker (whom Lee soundly defeated at Chancellorsville) or George Meade (who won at Gettysburg but failed to pursue and destroy the remains of Lee’s army as it withdrew). Death of a Nation is not a comprehensive history of the battle of Gettysburg, but neither does it claim to be. Instead, it is an often-entertaining, well-researched account of the Southern side’s participation, including its ill-starred behind-the-scenes planning and the personal dynamics among the commanders who underperformed at this key point in the war. Though Dowdey’s conclusion is so brief as to be unsatisfactory, one can draw one’s own conclusion from this volume’s title and the battle it describes: that defeat at Gettysburg meant the Confederacy’s failure to win its nationhood. Dowdey does not openly lament this fact, but instead shows the process that made this failure a reality. Dowdey, C. (1958). Death of a Nation. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Network Security Essay -- Technology, Computers

Network Security Network security is a problem that network administrators face. It is something that network administrators should keep a careful eye on. For example, if the home network does not have any security measures in place, then the person is at a high risk of data loss due to hacking. Network security is something that businesses do not take very lightly because they want to protect their valuable information and network resources from hackers. It is a problem because of unauthorized use and can be resolved by increasing the security encryption levels. Networks, including the internet, are one of the most essential things to businesses. Without computer networks, companies would be lost and would not have a way to communicate without these systems and this would cause businesses to operate slower (Network 1). Patch works of older networking systems are easier to find these days (Network 1). Starting relationships between many businesses, networks in many ways become synonymous with the groups and businesses they bring together (Network 1). Business employees, customers, and business partners would have available access to their information stored in network systems, could get to their network systems and share them easily among themselves (â€Å"Network† 1). Computer networks give their owners speed, ability to connect, and ultimately value to their users. They give possible solutions for business difficulties and issues that would not be possible to other businesses (Network 1). Computer networking systems are requir ed for electronic communications. (Network 1) As time moves on, businesses’ spend a ton of money on computer systems that are used to manage various functions such as accounting, human resources... ...ained. (Kolakowski 2) â€Å"Now I can create spheres where workers manage their corporate email accounts and connections to the CRM to do their real work. The advantages of that architecture is that the user has greater separation between work and personal business, and isolation enhances security.† (â€Å"10 Problems 36) In the future of network security, there will be fingerprint readers. There will also be stronger encryption levels. Lastly, there will also be facial recognition software to protect the security of networks in the future and then again some hacker will gain access to it and start hacking it once more. Network security is something that network administrators must not take lightly. They must be aware of the causes that make network security an issue. Lastly, they must be aware of the problems and solutions to issues in network security situations. Network Security Essay -- Technology, Computers Network Security Network security is a problem that network administrators face. It is something that network administrators should keep a careful eye on. For example, if the home network does not have any security measures in place, then the person is at a high risk of data loss due to hacking. Network security is something that businesses do not take very lightly because they want to protect their valuable information and network resources from hackers. It is a problem because of unauthorized use and can be resolved by increasing the security encryption levels. Networks, including the internet, are one of the most essential things to businesses. Without computer networks, companies would be lost and would not have a way to communicate without these systems and this would cause businesses to operate slower (Network 1). Patch works of older networking systems are easier to find these days (Network 1). Starting relationships between many businesses, networks in many ways become synonymous with the groups and businesses they bring together (Network 1). Business employees, customers, and business partners would have available access to their information stored in network systems, could get to their network systems and share them easily among themselves (â€Å"Network† 1). Computer networks give their owners speed, ability to connect, and ultimately value to their users. They give possible solutions for business difficulties and issues that would not be possible to other businesses (Network 1). Computer networking systems are requir ed for electronic communications. (Network 1) As time moves on, businesses’ spend a ton of money on computer systems that are used to manage various functions such as accounting, human resources... ...ained. (Kolakowski 2) â€Å"Now I can create spheres where workers manage their corporate email accounts and connections to the CRM to do their real work. The advantages of that architecture is that the user has greater separation between work and personal business, and isolation enhances security.† (â€Å"10 Problems 36) In the future of network security, there will be fingerprint readers. There will also be stronger encryption levels. Lastly, there will also be facial recognition software to protect the security of networks in the future and then again some hacker will gain access to it and start hacking it once more. Network security is something that network administrators must not take lightly. They must be aware of the causes that make network security an issue. Lastly, they must be aware of the problems and solutions to issues in network security situations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

What Does It Mean to Own Something

In the article, the prompt given, states that ownership and sense of self both have different meanings. The main question is â€Å"What does it mean to own something? ‘ Many argue that ownership is not much of a great thing, it can be of different negative meanings, while others disagree and think that ownership helps develop character. In the society we live in today, people own a lot of things from a car, to a house, and other things, but what does it truly mean to own something? Is it possible to own tangible and intangible objects?As aristotle claimed, he believed that the ownership of tangible goods help develop a persons moral character. I do agree with aristotle because when a person has ownership over something it might change their moral character for the better for example, when you receive an award, it changes your mood and you become proud of yourself and motivated to keep doing well. Jean Paul Sartre was also another intelligent man, he believed that people can al so own intangible things like skill, I also gree because you might have a certain skill that is unique and nobody else can achieve.Many people may disagree with my argument that people can own tangible, and intangible objects. Plato was an influential greek philosopher who was respected, and famous, he had his own beliefs about ownership. He argues that the ownership of objects is detrimental to one's character. The meaning of ownership is to have complete control over something, and i disagree fully with plato because anyone can take ownership of something that is theirs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ap Biology Notes Cellular Communication Essay

Cell-to-cell communication is essential in multicellular organisms. They must communicate to coordinate activities such as growth and development, and reproduction. In addition unicellular organisms communicate with each other. Signals may use light, or touch but we will focus on chemical signals. 1. External signals are converted to responses within the cell a. Evolution of cell signaling i. In yeast a cells and ÃŽ ±cells both secrete chemicals, which can only be received by the alternate type yeast. This signals the two cells to join via fusion 1. The process by which the signal on the surface of the cell is converted to a series of steps by the cell in response is called a signal transduction pathway ii. Signal transduction pathways are very similar in yeast and in complex multicellular organisms 2. This leads scientists to believe that this pathway evolved first in ancient prokaryotes b. Local and long distance signaling iii. Local signaling 3. Adjacent cells of plants and animals may communicate through cell junctions a. Signaling substances dissolved in the cytoplasm travel between cells i. Plants = plasmodesmata ii. Animals = gap junctions 4. Animal cells may use the following b. Cell-to-cell recognition iii. Direct contact between membrane-bound cell-surface molecules iv. Important in embryonic development and immune response c. Paracrine signaling v. Uses local regulators which are released and travel only a short distance to nearby cells vi. Ex. Growth factors target nearby cells to grow and divide d. Synaptic signaling vii. Electrical signal along a nerve cell triggers a chemical release across a synapse to trigger response in target cell viii. Ex. Nerve cells iv. Long- distance signaling 5. Both plants and animals use hormones e. Animals (endocrine signaling) cells release hormones which travel in the circulatory system to target cells f. Plants hormones travel in vessels or by diffusion through the air as gas g. Hormones vary in size and shape 6. Nervous system signals can also be long distance c. The three stages of cell signaling: A preview v. Reception: when the target cell detects a signaling molecule. The signaling molecule binds to a receptor protein on the target cell’s surface vi. Transduction: After binding the receptor protein is changed in some way, this converts the signal to a form that will bring about a specific cellular response 7. May occur in a single step or a series of changes vii. Response: The transduced signal triggers a specific cellular response. 8. Catalysis of an enzyme, rearrangement of the cytoskeleton, activation of a specific gene 2. Reception: A signaling molecule binds to a receptor protein, causing it to change shape d. To ensure signals are sent to the correct cell signaling molecules act as a ligand. viii. Ligand- molecule that specifically binds to another (usually larger) molecule ix. The receptor protein then usually changes shape x. May be located on the membrane or inside the cell e. Receptors in the plasma membrane xi. Water-soluble signaling molecule binds to receptor on the membrane causing it to change shape or aggregate. f. Intracellular Receptors xii. Found in cytoplasm or nucleus of target cells 9. Signaling molecule must be hydrophobic enough or small enough to pass through the plasma membrane h. Steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, nitric oxide | Examples| Pathway| Other| G-Protein Coupled Receptors| Yeast mating factors, epinephrine, hormones, neurotransmitters| 1. signaling molecule binds to the g-protein receptor 2. receptor changes shape and the cytoplasmic side binds to the inactive G protein 3. GTP then displaces to form GDP and activates the protein 4. Activated G protein diffuses along the membrane to an enzyme altering the enzyme to trigger the next step| Bacteria such as whooping cough, botulism and cholera disrupt this pathway| Receptor Tyrosine Kinases| Enzymes that catalyze the transfer of phosphate groups| 1. binding of two signaling molecules to two tyrosine chains causes the two to associate with each other forming a dimer 2. dimerization activates the tyrosine kinase region to add a phosphate from and ATP to each tyrosine in the polypeptide 3. each tail can now bind to and activate a different specific relay protein within the cell| One receptor may activate ten+ pathways. Absence can result in cancer| Ion Channel Receptors| Nervous system| 1. signaling molecule binds to the ion channel in the membrane 2. protein changes shape creating a channel through the membrane 3. specific ions can now flow through the membrane which may cause a change in the cell or trigger another pathway| Some ion gated channels are controlled by change in voltage rather than binding of a ligand| g. Intracellular Receptors xiii. Ex. Testosterone 10. Hormone passes through the plasma membrane 11. Testosterone binds to a receptor protein in the cytoplasm activating it 12. The hormone-receptor complex enters the nucleus and binds to a specific gene 13. The bound protein acts as a transcription factor, stimulating the transcription of the gene into mRNA 14. The mRNA is translated into a specific protein 3. Transduction: cascades of molecular interactions relay signals from receptor to target molecules in the cell h. Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation xiv. Proteins can be activated by the addition of a phosphate group (often broken off of ATP or GTP) 15. Phosphates are transferred from ATP to a protein by a general group of enzymes known as protein kinases i. Phosphorylation often causes the protein to change shape j. This happens because the added phosphate group interacts with polar or charged amino acids within the protein xv. Protein phosphatases are enzymes that remove phosphate groups from a protein 16. Mechanism for turning off signal transduction 17. These also allow for turning off and reusing pathways i. Small molecules and ions as second messengers xvi. Molecules other than proteins act as second messengers 18. Small and water soluble such as ions k. This allows them to rapidly spread throughout the cell via diffusion 19. Second messenger refers to anything after the first messenger which is the extracellular signaling molecule that binds to the membrane 20. Most common second messengers are cyclic AMP and Ca+2 xvii. Cyclic AMP as a second messenger in response to the hormone epinephrine 21. Epinephrine binds to receptor molecule protein activates adenylyl cyclase which can catalyze the synthesis of many molecules of cAMP l. Adenylyl cyclase catalyzes the conversion of ATP into cAMP ix. cAMP usually activates a serine/threonine kinase known as protein kinase A which phosphorylates many other proteins m. cAMP is converted back to AMP by phosphodiesterase xviii. Calcium ions and inositol tripohosphate 22. Increasing calcium concentration causes responses such as muscle contraction, secretion of substances, and cell division in animals, and greening in response to light in plants 23. Calcium is usually in high concentrations outside of the cell and in the ER but in low concentrations in the cytosol 24. Pathway n. Signaling molecule binds to receptor   o. Phospholipid pinches off membrane IP3 is released as second messenger p. IP3 binds to receptor on ER causing protein channel to open q. Ca+2 is released into cytosol 4. Response: Cell signaling leads to regulation of transcription or cytoplasmic activities j. Nuclear and cytoplasmic responses xix. Pathways lead to the regulation of one or more cellular activities 25. Regulate protein synthesis r. Turning specific genes on or off (calls for the synthesis of mRNA from DNA) 26. Regulate protein activity s. Cause a shape change to turn a protein on or off 27. Regulate overall shape change of cell 28. Release of mating factors 29. Cell division k. Fine-tuning of the response xx. Signal amplification 30. Enzyme cascades amplify effects by increasing the product at each step t. Enzymes stay active long enough to work on multiple products before becoming inactive xxi. The specificity of cell signaling and coordination of the response 31. Different types of cells are programmed to respond to only certain types of signals u. Some cells will respond to the same signals but in different ways v. This is because different cells have different collections of proteins xxii. Signaling efficiency: scaffolding proteins and signaling complexes 32. Scaffolding proteins increase the efficiency of the response w. A large protein with multiple protein kinases attached x. Decreases the time of the response because diffusion between proteins is not needed 33. Pathways are not linear, in fact the same protein may act in multiple pathways 34. Relay proteins serve as branch points where the signal may go in one of two directions xxiii. Termination of the signal 35. Each step in the pathway lasts only a short time, this makes the proteins ready for a new signal 36. When the signaling molecule leaves leave the receptor it reverts to its inactive form and the relay molecules follow

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Vietnam Antiwar Movements

Vietnam Antiwar Movements The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the United States from 1965- 1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation’s history. Prominent senators had already begun criticizing American involvement in Vietnam during the summer of 1964, which led to the mass antiwar movement that was to come in the summer of 1965 (DeBenedetti, 106). This antiwar movement had a great impact on policy and practically forced the US out of Vietnam. One antiwar tactic that often took place were teach- ins. They started during the spring of 1965 when the massive antiwar efforts centered on the colleges. These teach- ins were mass public demonstrations, usually held in the spring and fall seasons on college campuses (Wells, 24). The first one began at the University of Michigan on March 24, 1965, and rapidly spread to other campuses (Wells, 24). These protests at some of America’s finest universities captured public attention. The scattered teach- ins had become more of a problem for President Johnson when their organizers joined an unofficial group called the Inter- University Committee for a Public Hearing on Vietnam. The new committee began planning a nationwide teach- in to be conducted on television and radio between protesters and administrators of the government (Wells, 30- 31). This contributed to the resignations of many government officials, including McGeorge Bundy in 1966 (Wells, 71). The teach- in movement was at first, a gentle approach to the antiwar activity. Although it faded when the college students went home during the summer of 1965, other types of protests grew through 1971 and replaced it. All of these movements captured the attention of the White House, especially when 25,000 people marched on Washington Avenue (Wells, 25). The march was organized by a group called the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. It was a broad coaliti... Free Essays on Vietnam Antiwar Movements Free Essays on Vietnam Antiwar Movements Vietnam Antiwar Movements The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the United States from 1965- 1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation’s history. Prominent senators had already begun criticizing American involvement in Vietnam during the summer of 1964, which led to the mass antiwar movement that was to come in the summer of 1965 (DeBenedetti, 106). This antiwar movement had a great impact on policy and practically forced the US out of Vietnam. One antiwar tactic that often took place were teach- ins. They started during the spring of 1965 when the massive antiwar efforts centered on the colleges. These teach- ins were mass public demonstrations, usually held in the spring and fall seasons on college campuses (Wells, 24). The first one began at the University of Michigan on March 24, 1965, and rapidly spread to other campuses (Wells, 24). These protests at some of America’s finest universities captured public attention. The scattered teach- ins had become more of a problem for President Johnson when their organizers joined an unofficial group called the Inter- University Committee for a Public Hearing on Vietnam. The new committee began planning a nationwide teach- in to be conducted on television and radio between protesters and administrators of the government (Wells, 30- 31). This contributed to the resignations of many government officials, including McGeorge Bundy in 1966 (Wells, 71). The teach- in movement was at first, a gentle approach to the antiwar activity. Although it faded when the college students went home during the summer of 1965, other types of protests grew through 1971 and replaced it. All of these movements captured the attention of the White House, especially when 25,000 people marched on Washington Avenue (Wells, 25). The march was organized by a group called the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. It was a broad coaliti... Free Essays on Vietnam Antiwar Movements Vietnam Antiwar Movements The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the United States from 1965- 1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation’s history. Prominent senators had already begun criticizing American involvement in Vietnam during the summer of 1964, which led to the mass antiwar movement that was to come in the summer of 1965 (DeBenedetti, 106). This antiwar movement had a great impact on policy and practically forced the US out of Vietnam. One antiwar tactic that often took place were teach- ins. They started during the spring of 1965 when the massive antiwar efforts centered on the colleges. These teach- ins were mass public demonstrations, usually held in the spring and fall seasons on college campuses (Wells, 24). The first one began at the University of Michigan on March 24, 1965, and rapidly spread to other campuses (Wells, 24). These protests at some of America’s finest universities captured public attention. The scattered teach- ins had become more of a problem for President Johnson when their organizers joined an unofficial group called the Inter- University Committee for a Public Hearing on Vietnam. The new committee began planning a nationwide teach- in to be conducted on television and radio between protesters and administrators of the government (Wells, 30- 31). This contributed to the resignations of many government officials, including McGeorge Bundy in 1966 (Wells, 71). The teach- in movement was at first, a gentle approach to the antiwar activity. Although it faded when the college students went home during the summer of 1965, other types of protests grew through 1971 and replaced it. All of these movements captured the attention of the White House, especially when 25,000 people marched on Washington Avenue (Wells, 25). The march was organized by a group called the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. It was a broad coaliti... Free Essays on Vietnam Antiwar Movements Vietnam Antiwar Movements The antiwar movement against Vietnam in the United States from 1965- 1971 was the most significant movement of its kind in the nation’s history. Prominent senators had already begun criticizing American involvement in Vietnam during the summer of 1964, which led to the mass antiwar movement that was to come in the summer of 1965 (DeBenedetti, 106). This antiwar movement had a great impact on policy and practically forced the US out of Vietnam. One antiwar tactic that often took place were teach- ins. They started during the spring of 1965 when the massive antiwar efforts centered on the colleges. These teach- ins were mass public demonstrations, usually held in the spring and fall seasons on college campuses (Wells, 24). The first one began at the University of Michigan on March 24, 1965, and rapidly spread to other campuses (Wells, 24). These protests at some of America’s finest universities captured public attention. The scattered teach- ins had become more of a problem for President Johnson when their organizers joined an unofficial group called the Inter- University Committee for a Public Hearing on Vietnam. The new committee began planning a nationwide teach- in to be conducted on television and radio between protesters and administrators of the government (Wells, 30- 31). This contributed to the resignations of many government officials, including McGeorge Bundy in 1966 (Wells, 71). The teach- in movement was at first, a gentle approach to the antiwar activity. Although it faded when the college students went home during the summer of 1965, other types of protests grew through 1971 and replaced it. All of these movements captured the attention of the White House, especially when 25,000 people marched on Washington Avenue (Wells, 25). The march was organized by a group called the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. It was a broad coaliti...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Best Buy company in 2012

Best Buy company in 2012 The company best buy was facing several issues in 2012. To improve its financial position, the company launched a strategic plan it called â€Å"renew blue†. The plan called for strengthening relationships with vendors, revamping stores, increasing same-store sales, eliminating unnecessary costs, and ramping up Best Buy’s online business. The company has been able to reduce cost by closing underperforming stores, shrinking its workforce, and making supply chain efficiencies. It aims to reduce cost further by reducing product returns, replacements, and damages, and by streamlining its logistics and supply chain, as well as its procurement process. To mitigate competition, Best Buy has arranged to open stores-within-a-store with certain key suppliers. In response to competition with Amazon, Best Buy is now highly focused on growing its online business. The company has extended its online sales distribution network with its ship-from-store concept. As part of its turnaround strategy, Best Buy is also revamping its stores and trying to encourage more robust store traffic. Best Buy is closing underperforming stores, optimizing space, and improving the ease with which customers can shop in stores. One of Best Buy’s optimization goals is to avoid out-of-stock situations online, especially during holiday season. Best Buy increased inventory availability by rolling out its ship-from-store concept. This has helped boost online sales, as previously, products were shipped only from select stores. Best buy announced that it would fight show rooming by offering low-price guarantees online as well as at its retail stores. Best Buy sp ent millions of dollars on a holiday TV campaign to combat show rooming. Thus Best Buy is aggressively implementing restructuring initiatives to take back market share. Some of these initiatives include cost-reduction measures, online business expansion, and the sale of underperforming stores.Tyco was accused of corporate fraud in 2002. Its top management was accused of misusing the company’s loan system and misrepresenting the company’s financial status. The first thing the company did in its effort to transformation is the replacement of executive position. The entire corporate management team needed to be changed. They established new systems, hired new talent, and set a new strategic direction for the company. The company followed the highest standards of business practices and ethics, which made it easier to recruit high-quality talent. Many of the former board members had had strong financial, rather than operational, backgrounds. There weren’t clear delineations between finance and operations management. as a part of the restructuring process the audit function reports directly to the board’s audit committee rather than to the CFO; utilizes a more formalized risk-based planning process; and leverages rigorous audit techniques to better monitor internal controls, the integrity of the company’s financial information, and compliance with company policies and procedures. With a mix of board members who have run large public and private organizations, and who have financial and accounting expertise, today the company have a stronger orientation toward operations and toward a philosophy of controllership and accountability.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion Board 10 - ECO2013 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 10 - ECO2013 - Essay Example According to a report published by Prezi, a loaf of bread in the 1950s costs around 12 to 14 cents while in 2012, it costs around $2 to $4 per loaf (Mooney). That’s about a 200 to 350% increase in price from 1950 to 2012! Meanwhile, the US Department of Labor shows that the price of bread has decreased from $2 to $4 to $1.411 in January 2013, but this figure is still more expensive than the 1950 prices. One may be shocked at the increase in the price of bread if one looks at actual prices of the commodity. But what few people realize is that 2013 prices of commodities cannot be compared directly to prices in the 1950s because of the differences in the economic conditions in these two time periods. For one, gross domestic income is different; country population sharing the gross domestic income is also different. Hence, in order to determine whether prices of commodities have actually increased (hence leading to lesser capability to purchase the same bundle of goods previously purchased), there is a need to look at the overall state of the economy. This is best explained by Michael Sivy in his article for Time Magazine. Sivy says, â€Å"Price hikes for a particular item here or there don’t qualify as inflation. If one thing gets more expensive but something else gets cheaper, that’s what economists call a relative price change†. Such condition does not signal th at it has become more difficult for citizens to purchase items they need. Meanwhile, Sivy says that inflation is an increase in prices across the board which can impact consumers as well as businesses. With high inflation, businesses find it more expensive to produce the same amount of goods it used to produce. If a business were to survive, it can choose either to cut down its production, or to increase its costs of production. In both situations, it could affect the overall economy as it translates to over all